UnⒶpologetic Progressives
🏴🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ Welcome to Unapologetic Progressives! 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈🏴
This is a radqueer server centered entirely around a platformist-esque cohesion principle to the ideology of Consistent Progressivism!
Through this ideology we promote unity among progressives towards the achievement of total LGBTQIA+/MOGAI/GRSM/BIPOC/feminist/queer/radqueer (progressive) liberation, gender abolition & total free love, the dismantling of corporate and other hierarchical structures, and the abolition of all forms of conservatism (the state/government included).
(A preview of what can be found here:)
🏳️⚧️ Establishing a theory of Consistent Progressivism as a main platformist focus of the server; as such, we first and foremost prioritize LGBTQIA+/para liberation, anti-conservatism (opposition to bigotry), & being a radical queer haven & safe-space 🏳️⚧️
🏳️🌈 No eugenicists/truscums/TERFs/sysmeds/antis, or conservatives/bigots/authoritarians of any kind allowed here (we are also not open to stances of unity with anyone other than progressives/anarchists for this reason; no left-unity allowed) 🏳️🌈
🛟 A welcome & opening place of refuge for progressives that have been persecuted from other "anarchist" servers for being a bit too radically queer 😉
🖤 Decentralized anarchist methods of all stripes welcome (social, market, individualist, collectivist, etc) 🏴
📍 Praxis, activism, counter-economics, & mutual aid is practiced here 🔧
🍓🌈🗺️ A huge pro-contact progressive/radqueer community with plenty of roles & channels, frequent VCs, and theory discussion, accepting of all paras, systems of all origins, transids, consang, xenogenders, neopronouns, all queers, and quite literally everyone who isn't a conservative, united by the singular cohesive liberationist ideology theory of Consistent Progressivism 🐾🔆✊
If you're liking the progressive platform so far, you should join our movement to abolish conservatism! ❤️🔥